
Abstracts can be found in the "Detailed program" onglet from the menu sidebar.

Wednesday, 8th of November

12h00 - 13h30 : Welcome - Lunch [Hall]

13h30 - 17h30: Software reproducibility [Abstracts] [Amphithéâtre Philippe Lamour]

  • 13h30 - 14h15 - Caring for your environment(s) - Konrad Hinsen (Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS; Synchrotron SOLEIL; France).
  • 14h15 - 15h00Writing and reviewing reproducible scientific research. Review of some good practices - Miguel Colom-Barco (Centre Borelli, ENS Paris-Saclay, France).
  • 15h00 - 15h45 - Reproducible Computational Environments with Binder - Sarah Gibson (2i2c, England).

15h45 - 16h15 - Coffee break [Hall]

  • 16h15 - 17h00 - What is Guix? - Josselin Poiret.
  • 17h00 - 17h45 - Everyone can learn how to Guix - Nicolas Vallet (University Hospital of Tours, Hematology and Cell Therapy department, Inserm U1069, LNOx group, France).

Thursday, 9th of November

8h30 - 9h00 - Welcome - Coffee [Hall]

9h00 - 12h45: Tutorials session 1: good practises for reproductibility [Abstracts]

  • 9h00 - 10h00 - Plenary session: [Amphithéâtre Philippe Lamour]

Software Heritage: Archive your source code for a consistent and durable referencing - Benoît Chauvet (Software Heritage, France).

10h00 - 10h15 - Coffee break [Hall]

  • 10h15 - 12h45 - Tutorial parallel sessions: 

Parallel session 1: Amphithéâtre

Parallel session 2: TP room

  How to get started with Gitlab, an essential tool for research reproducibility

  Alizia Tarayoun (ISTerre, France)

  Advanced Gitlab - How to setup continuous integration in your Gitlab projects, another step towards software reproducibility

  Franck Pérignon (LJK, France)

  How to easily work with and publish jupyter notebooks

  Pierre-Antoine Bouttier (GRICAD, France)

  How to use Org mode and Guix to build a reproducible experimental study

  Marek Felsoci (INRIA, France)

13h00 - 14h00: Lunch and coffee

14h00 - 18h00: Session "Guix for scientific computing" [Abstracts] [Amphithéâtre]

  • 14h00 - 14h45 - A decade of Guix - a subjective retrospective - Ricardo Wurmus (Max Delbrück Center, Germany).
  • 14h45 - 15h30 - Why we deploy and develop using Guix and why you should too - an experience report from GeneNetwork - Arun Isaac (Department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment, University College London, United Kingdom).
  • 15h30 - 16h15 - Reproducible notebooks in psychology with Guix - Lars-Dominik Braun.

16h15 - 16h30 : Coffee break [Hall]

  • 16h30 - 17h15 - Reproducible VM management with Guix - Yann Dupont (GLiCID, France).
  • 17h15 - 18h00 - Guix and performance evaluation - Emmanuel Agullo (Inria, France).

Friday, 10th of November

8h30 - 12h00: Tutorials session 2: Guix ecosystem [Abstracts]

8h30 - 9h00 - Coffee break [Hall]

9h00 - 12h00 - Tutorial parallel sessions:

Parallel session 3: Amphithéâtre

Parallel session 4: TP room

  How to get started using Guix

  Ludovic Courtès (Inria, France)


  How to install and manage Guix on a cluster


  Bruno Bzeznik (GRICAD, France)


Coffee break [Hall]

  How to get started writing Guix packages

  Andreas Enge (Inria, France)

  How to make advanced packages

  Simon Tournier (Université Paris-Cité, France)



13h00 - 14h00: Lunch 


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